Letter: Follow the leader, vote for Nixon

Did you play the game of “follow the leader” as a child? I did, and it was great fun with a lot of laughing, a few falls and no one hurt for more than a few minutes.

We all play that game, in one form or the other all of our lives. We have a boss, president, governor, mayor and sometimes a spouse to follow and for the most part – it works.

Every November we have the chance to actually choose our leaders. This is an important event in our country, both in the large picture and the local picture.

Our President of Lima City Council is up for vote again on Nov. 3. We have two qualified and experienced candidates.

You need to educate yourself about these two men and make the wise choice of who is the best and which one you want to vote for.

My choice is clear for me. I have a good understanding of the qualities of these two men. I have watched them for years on TV 2.

My choice is John Nixon. He is a good communicator, he is fair with his fellow council members, he is certainly experienced and he has played a major role in the “saving” of Lima through hard times of the past.

John Nixon is a leader and he is the one we need. This will be a good game of “follow the leader”.

— J. Bernard Deerhake, Lima