Letter: Don’t need more stoners looking for munchies at 1 a.m.

Political TV ads never tell the entire truth. When you see a “vote for medical marijuana ad” on TV you only hear half of Issue 3. It is not only medical marijuana you’ll be voting on, but recreational marijuana as well! Here is the fourth paragraph within the proposed Constitutional Amendment, Issue 3:

“Allows each person, 21 years of age or older, to grow, cultivate, use,possess, and share up to eight ounces of usable homegrown marijuana plus 4 flowering plants if the person holds a valid state license. Allows each person, 21 years of age or older, to purchase, possess, transport, use, and share up to 1 ounce of marijuana for recreational use. Authorize the use of medical marijuana by any person, regardless of age, who has a certification for a debilitating medical condition.”

Issue 3 is more about recreational use than medical use! I’m not voting for it because we don’t need any more ‘stoners’ than we already have driving down the road at 1 a.m. looking for munchies, and possible hitting somebody head-on!

— Ed Hanson, Cridersville