Letter: Jim Jordan lives in his own world

Well Ohio, are you all proud of the performance by your representative Jim Jordan during the Ben Ghazi hearings?

I think Connie Shultz said it best when she said not all Ohioans are as ill mannered as Mr. Jordan.

I guess he doesn’t learn. After a pathetic showing in the Planned Parenthood hearing, he is not smart enough to refrain from taking on another strong woman. Boy we got a good one here. I am embarrassed to say he represents me. Well actually he doesn’t represent me, he represents himself and his ideology. He has no interest in governing.

I hope you all remember his performance when he is seeking re-election, and fire him from his job. And if you are a Hillary hater, which most of this part of Ohio is, remember that these fools only gave her a podium, free coverage for 11 hours, and she came out looking better than anyone on the committee, except for Mr. Cummings, Mr. Shiff and a couple of other Dems on the panel.

— Sherri A Eley, Lima