Letter: Have a glass of water, Mr. Kasich

Gov. John Kasich’s efforts for Grand Lake St. Marys (GLSM) have been disasterous. In fact, the efforts put forth by the Kasich Administration have never been founded on scientific evidence. Over the course of his administration, water quality in Ohio has worsened tremendously. With the microcystins levels reaching 185.2ppb at GLSM this month, frozen ground legislation being a total failure, and 40 percent of Ohio’s waterways now polluted, Gov. Kasich’s efforts on water quality issues have been a total failure In Ohio.

The Ohio representatives sponsoring this bill must be in the game of getting Kasich elected president because there is no other logical reason to give Gov. Kasich a commendation for being a failure on water quality issues. This commendation comes in light of people around and who use GLSM getting sick, citizens losing 30- to 50-percent value in their homes, jobs being lost, businesses shutting down, retirement investments being lost and a lost of more than $200 million tourism dollars for the area. This does not add up to a successful administration on water issues.

What Ohioans need is a real champion for clean water. We need an administration who works for the people of Ohio and not for agribusiness having a few more profits.

—Kate Anderson, St. Marys