Letter: Anti-Catholic attacks not surprising

Two of the letters published in The Lima News about Pope Francis were not surprising. Papal authority is not accepted by many. Oliver Cromwell and Henry VIII beheaded many who were loyal to Rome, Thomas Moore being the most prominent.

Ms. Fruend rightly stated that abortion is murder. I believe it to be a forgivable sin if forgiveness is sought.

Pastor Osborne seems to be a fan of Henry VIII, the first pope of the church of England. I do not believe if he and other Baptist pastors organized a motorcade there would be thousands of people lining the streets cheering them on.

Only about 10 percent of Christians disagree with what the Catholic Church teaches; 90 percent disagree with what they think she teaches.

A Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the truth of the matter. Thank you.

— Bob Brinkman, Cridersville