Letter: Passion for WBGU-TV appreciated

Thank you, supporters of WBGU-TV and PBS viewers throughout northwest Ohio, for your input and patience over the last several months as we’ve explored our options for participating in the upcoming FCC spectrum incentive auction.

I have been deeply moved by the passion for our television station and its programming that you have expressed in your letters, and emails and at our public forums.

While we plan to participate in next year’s auction, WBGU-TV will remain on the air and continue to serve northwest Ohio. It is clear to me that the station is a valued community asset and remains an important part of the University’s core mission.

Conversations about the station’s future have reinvigorated the community’s appreciation of PBS and local programming, and sparked a new spirit of collaboration on campus. I am excited about the opportunity to strengthen the ties between WBGU-TV and our academic programs to better serve our students and the community.

I look forward to sharing more information about these partnerships as we move forward.

Thank you again for your support of WBGU-TV.


— Mary Ellen Mazey, president of Bowling Green State University