Letter: A lack of moral values

Democratic President Jimmy Carter failed in 1977-78 to rescue Americans in Iran, and Iran has hated us ever since. Has anyone seen President Obama take America’s peace agreement with Iran to the United Nations instead of our own Congress for ratification? Iran has been quick to say it wants to kill us and Israel. The Iranian leaders have trained their people to hate Americans for 35 years.

Obama is following the Clintons by doing favors for our enemies. Why did he pull rockets out of Poland and reduce our presence in the Mideast? Republicans established our status in the world, and Obama wants to dis-establish us as a world power.

George Bush showed he had guts after 9/11. The killing of Bin Laden (by our military) and saving General Motors probably got him at least 2 million votes in 2008 and 2012.

Speaking of General Motors, how many of its managers were held accountable for the faulty cars built from 2003 to 2011. During this time 40 people died and 400 were injured from defective GM cars. The managers knew what was happening. More recently, GM spent $500 million in China to build new cars. Also, jobs were sent to China, 20,000 to build cars and 100,000 to sell, repair and maintain the cars. General Electric has done likewise in sending money and jobs to China.

This shows Obama does not care about the American worker. All the reasons stated above show we have in Obama a president who lacks moral values.

— William McKinley, Ada