Letter: Law or lawlessin Mercer County

Serious questions need to be asked of Mercer County Sheriff Jeff Grey following the recent story about the tazing of a Mendon man.

In the past year in Mercer County, three distraught young men have been tazed in excessive, aggressive behavior by Mercer County law enforcement. One of the young men was autistic.

Speaking with people close in this case, Grey’s boys in blue went in with an attitude for a showdown and took a difficult situation and compounded it. This resulted in the house being shot up with taser fire and a grandmother hospitalized.

These out of control actions are compounded by a very questionable investigation of the shooting of a man in Celina by police, compounded by developing evidence via internal emails of citizens without records being targeted by Jeff Grey.

There needs to be an outside investigation of Jeff Grey.

— Jeff Rasawehr, Celina