Real Life Mama: We’ve earned it this year

I do not know about you other mothers out there, but this year, I think we have earned our Mother’s Day.

Now, I agree that every year we should get a day just for mothers — I mean, we are mothers and all. But this year, I have no doubt that us mothers more than deserve it.

If you are like me, then in a few short months you have gone from morning and evening momming hours and away at work in between, to full blown 24/7 Mom, teacher, waiter and maid all while managing a fulltime work schedule and keeping your sanity — for the most part at least. It has been a long couple of months.

But us moms, we have figured it out. I mean, at least most days. OK, OK, some of the days. But, we get it done. We get a lot done.

Hey, we figured out all the online schooling platforms — and there are some doozies out there. And why wouldn’t they all have the same username and password? I mean jumping from subject to subject is about as hard as breaking into Fort Knox. But, we’ve got it down now.

For two months now, we have wondered how in the world our child does so well in school when they cannot concentrate to finish one math question. And speaking of math, some of us mothers have even googled and learned common core math (and some of us have just taught our kids how to carry the one). Either way, they still got the right answer and the work gets done.

Sure, we don’t have to pay for any extracurricular activities right now, but have you seen our grocery bills? One good thing that has come out of this is that us Mamas may never go into a store again. I mean, have you tried grocery pick-up or delivery? Lifesavers! Unless, of course, we keep working from home for much longer. Then, we will need our “vacation” to the store!

Speaking of vacation, you know the amount of dirty clothes you have when you return from one? Yep, that is about the amount of laundry we have to do daily. Our kids cannot stand wearing an outfit for more than an hour. Not only that, but this weather has us in pants in the morning and tank tops by the afternoon. It’s all the aftermath of a vacation, except without the vacation part. But we get it done. Or at least washed and dried. The folding and put away never really happened much before, so why start that during a pandemic?

A few months ago, we could slide by with doing dishes every other day — heck, may be even sneak in two days. Oh no, not anymore. By lunch time, our sinks are half full. You know, because of course our children need separate bowls and plates for each individual snack they have. And we get them a lot of snacks.

Yes, sure — you can have eat that. No, I don’t care if you change your outfit again. And what is this mess and why is there toothpaste everywhere? Oh, slime. You made slime. Out of all the rest of the toothpaste. Great.

I mean, do you know how hard it is to keep a house clean(ish) when two tornadoes are here all the time? From sun up to sun down, it is one mess after another. Something that us mothers would normally at least try to keep up with, but wait, we are on a conference call for work.

And when we finally put down our work computers for the night and look around at our house, we seriously contemplate whether we should waste the next two hours attempting to get the kids to restore the house back to normal or just take 30 minutes and do it ourselves. Usually it’s a joint effort, 90% us mothers cleaning up and gently (loudly) reminding them about respecting our house and 10% them ignoring us and putting one toy away per 10 minutes. But, we get it done. OK, we get it livable again.

And then, finally we get to sit down and get our nails painted all colors of the rainbow and make friendship bracelets. Because, of course, us mothers get that quality time in too.

So no, this year is not a typical Mother’s Day. This year is a badge of honor, top shelf, over the fence Mother’s day. We did it, moms. And we will continue to do it. So, yes, we deserve all the accolades, handwritten cards, burned breakfasts in bed and fresh-picked dandelions. After all, we are rocking this quarantine! You know, at least some the of days.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Mamas out there!

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By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.