Real Life Mama: Ticket to freedom

Did you know that if you want the COVID-19 vaccine, you can call your local pharmacy, talk directly to the pharmacist and ask to be put on a waitlist? Most of them will take anyone — you don’t have to be in the current wave of people they are offering it to, regardless of age or health issues.

Did you also know that if you don’t want the vaccine, then you don’t call and sign up. It is that easy.

A week or so ago, I learned about these waitlists. For a second, I struggled with whether I needed to be on it. There are, in my opinion, plenty of people who need it before me. But then I heard that these pharmacies sometimes just need to find an arm so that the vaccines don’t get thrown out. And I was sold!

Plus, my parents got on it and received their first vaccine within a week. Which, if you have read any of my columns then you know I am very close to my family. Furthermore, I was the only one in my family who had not either had COVID, been vaccinated, or both — which means I carried the most risk.

So, I made the call to the local pharmacy, spoke directly to the pharmacist and got put on the list. Within two days, I had a call for the first dose of the vaccine.

But this, guys, is what I cannot stand: all the dang opinions about what I want to do with my life. You see, because I had just found out about it and figured that many had no idea they could even do this, I thought I should educate others. So, I shared it on social media.

While many, many people reached out directly to find out exactly how I did it, and I took the time to answer them all, I had a few make some negative comments about it. But, why?

I truly do not care what anyone thinks about it. If you do not want to get vaccinated, more power to you. Why can’t people just scroll on past things that they don’t agree with these days? Or delete me! I promise I will not be upset. Why must we be a society that feels the need to express our opinions so strongly — especially when it differs from others.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if we could just keep our mouths shut when we disagree. Or even just agree to disagree. I am not saying that my view is right or wrong, but it is mine. And I am more than allowed to have it. Also, you may have yours as well. Post about it all you want, but don’t hijack my post with your opinion. Just keep scrolling.

Did they put saline in my arm? I have no idea! But, what I do know is that this little shot is my peace of mind, my ticket to freedom. After a year — an entire year — of this awful pandemic, this is me saying I have had enough and I want out.

Did someone plan this whole thing? Are we just helping big pharma? Again, I don’t care. I can tell you this much, last year at this time was the last normal week we had. And, guys, I need normal back.

Clearly, from the outreach, so do a lot of people. I cannot begin to express how thankful I am that so many people have gotten on these lists and even received their first vaccine as well because of my post. No one knew it could be that easy to get it. I mean, it’s not every year that this happens. Thank you, God.

And I hope that by sharing this with you all, even more people who have been closed in and longing for this shot of freedom will be able to get the vaccine as well.

And for those who don’t want it, that’s fine. You do you. I am not going to judge you or shove a pro-vaccine opinion down your throat. I am literally just a tiny person in this world who is so ready to have my life back, and I wanted to share the information that I have received.

For the first time in a year, I can finally see hope on the horizon. And regardless of anyone’s negative opinion, it feels so good. So, call your pharmacist, sign up and get the vaccine. Or don’t. Whichever you choose, makes no difference to me. Either way, I am moving right along back toward somewhat of a normal life.

Stay safe, friends.

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By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.