Real Life Mama: Mama’s wish list

Dear Santa,

Every year, kids all over the world send you letters with all their hopes and wishes for the season. Then, us Mamas work our butts off to make their dreams come true (or at least talk them into asking for something a little more reasonable that can be attained). If only Mamas had their chance at writing a Christmas list, I feel like it would go something like this:

1. I want a clean house. No, not for 30 minutes after it is cleaned and before my kids get ahold of it. But an actual clean house that lasts like a week. Heck, or even a day.

2. I want more time — time where I can stay late at work and finish if I need, time to work out, time to breathe and still enough time for family dinners, homework help, bedtime stories and snuggles.

3. I want the thousands of papers that my kids bring home from school to disappear. Of course, I want to look at them all first, but then I’d like to escape the guilt of throwing them away or — much worse — being caught in the act by my distraught child for tossing out their masterpiece.

4. I want sleep — like a solid 7-8 hours nightly.

5. I want dishes to wash themselves. In fact, we can start simple, I want dishes to at least be brought to the sink and rinsed off. I mean, if I have to, I can still put them in the dishwasher.

6. I want to be able to read a text from a friend, think my response and have my phone message it back. This whole meaning to write back and then getting busy and forgetting until hours or days later has to stop.

7. I want clothes to come out of the dryer folded and put away — no more putting into a laundry basket with hopes of being tended, then hitting the dryer again to release the wrinkles and finally folded only to sit for three more days before they make it to the dresser drawers.

8. I want my gas tank to be full when I get in my car every single time. Being on empty or gliding into the gas station on fumes happens far too often. I am over it.

9. I want socks to always have a mate and containers to always have matching lids readily available.

10. I want to be on time — for something, anything, everything.

11. I want my kids to take a bath willingly and not throw a fit when I mention it like it is a new thing that we just started doing or something.

12. I want healthy food delivered to my doorstep, packed in my lunch and always made for dinner. If you could throw in someone to smack the bad food out of my hand, that would be alright as well.

13. I want an unlimited supply of brushes and hair ties. Seriously, we have about 800 of each. Why can I never find them when I need them?

14. I want a hidden getaway that only I can unlock — even for just five minutes at a time — when I feel overwhelmed and just need a second. If it could NOT include a toilet and tiny fingers under the door, that would be a plus.

15. I want to not have to repeat myself 47 times and get the crazy mom voice on before people listen to me.

16. I want toilets to be flushed every time they are used. Seriously, what is it with kids feeling the need to skip that part at home. Washing hands isn’t even the issue (they got that down, I mean, if 2020 taught us anything), but pushing that silver sliver down after their business is all too often forgotten.

17. I want to know that I am not screwing up as a Mom. That my best, which I strive to give daily, is enough to raise my little humans into beautiful people who make this world a better place.

Don’t get me wrong, I also want all the beauty pageant requests — world peace, true equality, the end of hunger and COVID-19 to kick rocks. But, small-scale, day-to-day life as a Mama, this would be my list.

Sure, I know that my wishes above are all temporary, and one day, so I am told, I will long for the toys to line the living room and give anything for toothpaste stains on the sink. And I want all the hugs, love, cuddles and kisses from my babies to last forever and ever.

But, in the meantime, Santa, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d take any and all of the above.


Real Life Mama

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By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.