Real Life Mama: Waiting for answers

Alright, enough is enough. Seriously, I am so over it all. I am a pretty patient person — OK, that’s a lie. I am not a patient person. And I have given it four months. Four. Long. Grueling. Months. Can we just wipe the slate clean and call it 2021?

I’m not going to pretend like there is a resolution at the end of this column. Ah, how I wish there were. But honestly, I don’t know how to fix all of this — and I am a fixer. So, I am just going to rant this time. Call it whining if you want, but dang it, I am so sick of all of it and how everyone knows everything yet no one knows enough about anything to make any of us feel good about something.

And no, Karen, I don’t want to hear how about how your side is right and how you are going to unfriend me on social media if I do or do not wear a mask. Really? That is what we have come to? If you cannot engage in a friendly, fact-finding conversation and feel the need to constantly flaunt your opinion (yes, I said it, opinion) around like no one knows better than you, then we probably shouldn’t be actual friends in real life.

No, I don’t know if China tried to kill us all or if/why someone would ever eat a bat. Did the president not do enough or do too much or the other side just needed a reason to shake an economy at the mercy of hundreds of thousands of their own people. I don’t know. But man, we sure have some persuasive people out there trying to sell anything that we the people are willing to buy.

And I am not buying it. Any of it. Call me uninformed or uneducated but, honestly, every single angle smells like crap. I haven’t found someone or something that I can believe in four months. Oh, I have found ones that I want to believe, and even try and convince myself to believe for my own sanity and mental health. But, truthfully, I am just as lost as all of America.

This drug works — people do not have to die. But does it? And where is it? Is there a reason we cannot get our hands on it? Why haven’t we used it on everyone? Oh, money. Big Pharma wants to get even bigger. Oh wait, there are side effects? No one mentioned that. Oh, there’s not? Holy moly, what is the answer?

A vaccine that makes the rich even richer or one that is truly backed by the CDC and will (or could) possibly work. Could it be both? Or neither? Or certainly they are putting chips in us on some crazy run-up to a second Holocaust. But, I mean, if I even think about something in my own head, it already pops up as an advertisement on social media. I am pretty sure they know everything about us already.

Shoot, I don’t even know who “they” are anymore.

And are all those children really missing? That Wayfair thing was crazy eerie, another rabbit hole to get sucked down into. Is it to take our attention away from everything else? Or everything else is taking our attention from that? I had to climb out of that hole quickly or my children were going to be confined to this house forever. Wait, maybe they should be.

And why in the heck can this virus hit some people who are perfectly healthy and wipe them out and then others do not have any symptoms at all? Do you know how scary that is? Yeah, you may have to blow your nose a few times or you may die — it will be fine. It’s like there is no in between. This virus is the deadliest or it is made up.

Someone give me some answers. That was a rhetorical statement. Is that even a thing? I am declaring it that. I want to know what to believe but, man, I sure don’t want to hear how right everyone thinks they are.

The truth is, none of us know. Or maybe someone does know but it is dug so deep inside this demanding he said/she said dispute that none of us can determine how to dig it out.

Yes, I know there is power in prayer. Praise the Lord for his deliverance of strength these last few months. And I will keep clinging to Him and trusting His word to get me through.

But, it sure would be nice to have this in our past. Because this virus probably will make me and many others sick, but, honestly, everything surrounding it already has.

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Patience is in short supply. is in short supply.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.