Real Life Mama: Mama supports her girls, even when they’re spooky

As a mom, I pick my battles. It is something we mamas just have to do. So, while I wanted my girls to always want to be an angel or princess or some other happy, magical character for Halloween, this year, I let them be whoever they wanted to be.

And guys, all the blood and gore and whoa! These little girls have recently become very into spooky things and they totally wanted to portray that for Halloween. And while I was hesitant to let my precious babies dress up in something so disturbing, I decided that they should be able to be what they want to be.

OK, well there were a few factors that went along with that. First of all, have you seen the prices of Halloween costumes these days?! Whew! When Reagan declared that she wanted to be a zombie in a white dress with blood on it, I was like OK! Nice little white dress online for cheap, some fake blood and face makeup – totally in the budget! And while Maylie went back and forth, I was able to grab hers for a steal as well!

Because let’s be honest, they wear these outfits one or two times and then what? They are thrown in a box in the basement. Yes, we could reuse them, but we never reuse them! Plus, most of those expensive outfits have like 47 pieces and seriously, we can barely keep track of them long enough to make it to actually trick or treating – let alone past that.

On top of the inexpensive outfit, the girls have always enjoyed the spookiness of Halloween with their babysitter (and Aunt), Auntie L. This time of year, one of their favorite things to do together is to check out the Halloween store. Heck, my girls were barely walking when they brought home a creepy baby doll that would sing the most eerie song.

And, I won’t even begin to explain the amount of disgust I had for the fake rat she tried to send home one year – it was not allowed in my house. Yes, I know it was fake – but, no, it was not for inside my house!

Regardless, these girls have enjoyed every gruesome and fun second that this time of year brings with their dad’s side of the family. Don’t get me wrong, together the girls and I always do all the cookies, candy, pumpkin patches and hayrides – we just never ventured out to the gory, scary part. We had Auntie L for that.

Little did I know, though, that when I wouldn’t be off work in time to help and the girls needed to be in full costume for Halloween week at dance, just how much their dad’s side of the family would come in clutch for this year’s costume. You see, Auntie L called in some back-ups – MawMaw and Aunt Julie. And these ladies, they did not disappoint on the make-up! It was impressive!

From the on-point zombie clown make-up on Maylie, right down to the spooky face and throat wound on Reagan, they completely rocked it. And when the dance teacher posted a pic of all the kids dressed up, I could not help but chuckle. Most of the kids in the class were all sunshine and rainbows – happy costumes. And there were my girls – full-blown bloody whatever they were. Ha! They definitely stuck out like sore thumbs.

But, they’re my sore thumbs – and quite honestly, as much as I am not exactly a fan of them dressed up in straight-up gory costumes, I was so glad that they were over the moon with what they came up with – and what their Aunts and MawMaw brought to life.

Is it too soon? Should I have waited a few years to let them get all scary at Halloween? Is there an actual unspoken rule about it? Heck, I don’t know! But clearly, these girls have the love for this holiday in their blood. And who am I to sit here and hold back the Halloween spirit and tell them that they cannot embrace whatever it is that they want to dress up as one or two nights a year for good fun.

So, I picked my battle this year – my bank account thanks me. But you know what else, my girls thanked me as well. Because there were over the top excited to be exactly what they wanted to be.

And at the end of the day, I want my babies to know that they can be whatever they want to be in this world – and no matter what – I will support them. You know as long as they don’t act on these characters and become ax murderers ha! But, that’s totally a topic for another day.

Happy Halloween, friends.

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As much as I am not exactly a fan of them dressed up in straight-up gory costumes, I was so glad that they were over the moon with what they came up with – and what their Aunts and MawMaw brought to life. much as I am not exactly a fan of them dressed up in straight-up gory costumes, I was so glad that they were over the moon with what they came up with – and what their Aunts and MawMaw brought to life.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.