Real Life Mama: Sprinting to end of school year

Whew, we almost made it through another school year! Every year, I forget just how crazy the end of the year is. Between the ending of dance and gymnastics to the start of softball, it feels like our evenings and weekends are jam-packed.

And that’s not even including all the end-of-school activities. While I know it is fun, there is so much going on these last couple of weeks that it is hard to keep track of. Hats for a cure today, silly socks tomorrow, Relay for Life, spring arts festival, author book signing, talent show, field trips — so many things all happening at once.

Don’t get me wrong, I want to attend all these things. I want my girls to participate in everything, and I want to be there with them experiencing all of it. It’s just that it is so much all at once. Like once May hits, take a deep breath and hold it until school is out, and you make it through.

Thankfully, I am blessed with a flexible enough work schedule to allow me to be involved, but man, don’t these elementary schools know that parents work? I know, I know. It’s not their fault; they are working to make all these things available to us, which I am so thankful for! And I want to be there for every single thing.

But I would be lying if I said it wasn’t overwhelming at times. How am I going to make everything work for everyone? And us moms, we put the pressure on ourselves to be there for all of the things. I don’t want to miss a five-minute show of a group of kids singing songs that my kid is a part of. I want to be there to walk the track for Relay for Life and eat lunch with them. I want to lay out outfits for spirit week and make sure my kiddos are dressed theme-appropriate.

It’s just a lot.

Look, I know; enjoy it while it lasts. It won’t be like this for long. Soon, your kids will be grown, and you won’t have the hustle and bustle of the end of the school year flings. One day I will wish that I had my days filled up with end-of-school activities and that my babies were still in school. I know.

I get all of that, but, if I am being honest, it still doesn’t make the craziness of this season any easier on a working mama. But as a Mama, that’s what we do, make it work.

We show up to every event we can make it to. We watch as our kids’ eyes light up when we attend and spend every single second soaking all of it in, the chaos and fun.

We check (and double-check) calendars and schedules. We go on searches for the craziest socks; I mean, in my house every day is actually crazy sock day since we never match them, but we can always find crazier. Does everyone have a hat to wear? Yes, I ordered the shirts for Relay for Life – I think – let me double-check.

We are in the home stretch now. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know once we get through these next few weeks life will slow down enough for us to catch our breath, just in time to plan all the fun adventures of the summer.

For now, I will just keep on keeping on, doing my best to get to every single event that I know is important to my girls because, honestly, they are so important to me as well.

And guys, even in the chaos and craziness of these last few weeks of school, there really is nothing more rewarding than when your child looks up and that sparkle comes across her eye because she is so excited to see you.

Truly, it makes everything you had to do, rearrange and prepare for completely worth it.

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The days for school backpacks are coming to an end, but that means a busy month of May for a Real Life Mama. days for school backpacks are coming to an end, but that means a busy month of May for a Real Life Mama. Courtesy of Sarah Shrader

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.