Police calls

700 block of Broadway Street, Lima — Police were called Thursday to the scene of a break in.

Jean Court, Lima — A 41-year-old woman reported Wednesday a group of teenagers kicked in her rear door, jumped on her sofa but didn’t appear to steal anything.

500 block of North Woodlawn Avenue, Lima — An 18-year-old woman was listed as a victim in a fight. Several people were arrested.

900 block of Richie Avenue, Lima — A 28-year-old woman reported Wednesday someone broke into her house.

600 block of West Elm Street, Lima — A 53-year-old woman reported Wednesday someone damaged the passenger-side mirror and scratched a door on her car.

Superior Court, Lima — A 60-year-old woman reported Tuesday someone broke into her home.

600 block of Hope Street, Lima — Police were called Tuesday to a home where several people were in a dispute. One man had a knife, and another person had a German shepherd.

801 East Kibby Street, Lima — An employee of Meat City reported Tuesday someone passed counterfeit money.

1300 block of Helen Avenue, Lima — A 38-year-old woman reported Tuesday someone knocked over a flower pot, ran over her mailbox and poured white powder in her front yard.

500 block of Nye Street, Lima — A 47-year-old woman reported Tuesday someone broke into her home and stole a television and other items while she was staying at the Red Cross due to the flood.