Ohio high school girls basketball rankings

First Posted: 2/10/2015

How a state panel of sports writers and broadcasters rates Ohio high school girls basketball teams in the Associated Press polls, by OHSAA divisions, with won-lost record through Monday and total points (first-place votes in parentheses):


1. Powell Olentangy Liberty (17)`20-0`218

2. New Philadelphia (1)`21-0`193

3. Cin. Mt. Notre Dame`19-2`147

4. Springboro`18-1`135

5. Newark (1)`19-1`128

6. Sidney`19-1`119

7. Tol. Notre Dame (1)`16-2`101

8. W. Chester Lakota W. (2)`18-2`79

9. Mason (1)`15-0`62

10. Cols. Northland`17-3`18

Others receiving 12 or more points: 11. N. Royalton 15.


1. Kettering Alter (20)`21-0`215

2. Tipp City Tippecanoe`21-0`188

3. Bellevue`17-1`125

4. Beloit W. Branch (2)`19-1`118

5. Bath`16-1`100

6. Zanesville Maysville`18-1`95

7. Chagrin Falls`19-0`94

8. Millersburg W. Holmes`18-3`72

9. Tol. Rogers`15-5`46

10. Willard`16-2`41

Others receiving 12 or more points: 11. Cortland Lakeview 15; 11. Cle. E. Tech 15; 13. Eaton 14.


1. Doylestown Chippewa (17)`21-0`207

2. Findlay Liberty-Benton (1)`18-0`178

3. Cin. Summit Country Day (1)`18-0`176

4. Gates Mills Gilmour (1)`18-1`144

5. Richwood N. Union (1)`19-1`126

6. Ashland Crestview`19-1`103

7. Wheelersburg`19-2`55

8. Cols. Africentric`16-5`51

9. Tol. Ottawa Hills`17-0`41

10. Beverly Ft. Frye`18-3`35

Others receiving 12 or more points: 11. Versailles 21; 12. Ottawa-Glandorf 15.


1. Marion Local (11)`18-1`193

2. Berlin Hiland (6)`19-1`185

3. New Madison Tri-Village`19-1`140

4. Greenwich S. Cent. (1)`19-0`139

5. Newark Cath.`18-2`107

6. Waterford (1)`20-1`104

7. Bridgeport`19-2`79

8. Ft. Loramie`16-3`40

9. Pettisville (1)`17-1`38

10. Convoy Crestview (1)`17-0`29

Others receiving 12 or more points: 11. Fairfield Christian 23; 12. Leipsic 15; 12. Defiance Ayersville 15; 14. Carey 14.