New businesses file at record number in Ohio

First Posted: 1/18/2015

COLUMBUS — More than 4,000 new businesses filed with the state in 2014 compared with 2013.

“Ohio continues to be a place where companies want to be located because we are focused on providing quality customer service that understands the needs of business,” according to a statement from Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted. “By working to roll out the red carpet and cut the red tape we are helping improve the state’s business climate, and that means a stronger economy and more jobs.”

The past year marks the fifth year in a row that the state saw a record number of new entities filing to do business in the state, according to a release from Husted’s office.

In 2014, 93,775 new businesses filed with the Secretary of State, compared with the 89,735 that filed in 2013, according to Husted.

From 2009 to 2014, the number of new business filings has increased 24 percent, which Husted’s office attributes to the expanded services of the office.

The growth of new businesses is a “boon to the economy and for Ohio families,” according to the Husted.

“As more companies start up, they increase the potential for more, good-paying jobs,” according to Husted. “That means families all across the state will not only be able to put a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food on the table, but also have a sense of accomplishment and dignity that they are moving forward.”