Maag earns 30 days jail

First Posted: 1/9/2015

LIMA — The former mayor of Ottawa was sentenced to 30 days in jail Friday for soliciting prostitution.

Kenneth Maag, 65, pleaded guilty to soliciting, the second time in the past four years. Lima Municipal Judge RicKard Workman sentenced Maag to 60 days in jail but suspended 30 days providing he have no further violations of law while on probation for two years. Maag will report to jail Monday.

Workman also fined Maag $200 and ordered Maag receive counseling.

Maag was charged following the June 27 attempt to solicit a prostitute. Sheriff Sam Crish organized the sting which Maag arrived at a private residence trying to solicit sex from a woman after he made arrangements over the phone to meet in Lima.

Maag was arrested in 2011 for soliciting and pleaded no contest to the charge, a third-degree misdemeanor. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail with 20 days suspended and fined $250 in that case.

His first arrest at a local motel led to his resignation as mayor in September 2011, a position he held for 19 years.

Friday’s hearing was held well before the scheduled 10:15 a.m. time. Workman said it was not held early to avoid media coverage.

“We had about five cases lined up for pleas, and his attorney was from out of town and had to go to another town,” Workman said.