Residents advised to keep snow off streets

First Posted: 1/7/2015

LIMA — With the area now blanketed in snow, residents must be mindful of how they remove it from their driveways and sidewalks.

That was the message from Lima’s Deputy Public Works Director Saul Allen and Lima Police Department Maj. Jim Baker, who joined Mayor David Berger in his weekly news conference Wednesday.

“A big item that came up last year is once we would clean a street and we’d see snow from parking lots and driveways back out in the street,” Allen said. “That is an issue for us and something we will be reporting to the Police Department.”

Baker emphasized that shoveling or plowing snow back onto city streets can create a major hazard for traffic.

“We don’t want to see people getting hurt, but with that, it is also illegal,” he said. “We understand you have to look at your situation and do the best you can, but at the same time, if you push snow into the street, you can be cited for it. It is a first-degree misdemeanor, which actually can be a jailable offense.”

First-degree misdemeanors can come with jail sentences of up to six months. In addition, residents are also responsible for ensuring that their sidewalks remain clear.

“If you’re clearing your driveway and block off your sidewalk, you can be cited for that, too,” Baker said.