Elida Depot has new owner

First Posted: 4/6/2015

ELIDA — When he bought the Elida Depot Pizza and Drive Thru, Britt Munson got his own piece of the Elida community.

Munson, 38, is from Elida and lives in the community now. He looks at his ownership of an Elida “staple” as his opportunity to own part of the community.

“By owning a business, I can do more for the community,” he said.

Munson bought the drive thru from Pam and Daryl Van Gundy on March 31 for $240,000, according to the Allen County Auditor and Recorder’s websites. The drive thru, located at 430 E. Kiracofe Ave., has been a part of the community for about 30 years, Munson said.

As the new owner, Munson isn’t sure what the changes he will make will look like, but he plans to add some items to the menu.

“We have a lot of good food, pizza, wings and subs,” he said, but the drive thru is known for it’s pizza.

Munson isn’t planning to change the pizza, but he said there will be new things that come along.

As far as the ownership transition went, Munson started learning the ropes from Pam Van Gundy in November, he said.

Now, he’s “just trying to keep things the way they were and adding some of our touches,” he said.

Munson got the drive thru a new logo, website and started a Facebook page for it. The website, http://elidadepot.com, show’s the business’ menu, which he plans to update and add to.

The Van Grundys owned the drive thru for about 20 years, he said. When he heard Pam Van Gundy wanted to retire, he saw an opportunity, and jumped on it.

Munson works for General Dynamics Land Systems as well, and sees the drive thru as an investment for him and his family.

After taking over the business, he hired his brother, Josh Sayre, as the manager, and kept an employee of Pam Van Gundy’s on as well.

“I want to be able to give to the community,” he said, as well as become more of a part of it as a business owner.