Join fight against child abuse

First Posted: 3/31/2015

Each day across the country, five children die as a result of child abuse. Many more survive as victims of abuse and neglect. To bring awareness to the problem and remind people about the daily fight against abuse and neglect, April is designated Child Abuse Prevention Month.

It’s the perfect time to join the fight to prevent child abuse and provide for the physical, emotional and developmental needs of children.

In 1983 recognizing child abuse and neglect captured national attention when President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Since that recognition, April has been the time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse.

Communities have a great influence in the lives of families. Just as plants are more likely to thrive in a nutrient-rich garden with plenty of sunlight and water, families are more likely to thrive in nurturing communities. A safe place for children to play is one feature of a nurturing community. Other features include the availability of food, shelter and medical care for families, as well as a culture that encourages neighbors to get to know and help one another. Nurturing communities can help build strong families.

Events planned

This year the agencies that work to protect and help children will hold several events in April to highlight the year-round effort to fight child abuse and neglect. Please consider attending one or more event in recognition of the month, and to thank the many people dedicating their lives to serve families and children at risk:

• Our annual Children’s Memorial Flag Raising will be held at noon today in front of the Allen County Courthouse. This solemn ceremony offers an opportunity for the entire community to acknowledge the terrible losses we have suffered and renew our commitment to the safety of children.

• At 7:30 a.m. Thursday, April 9, our annual Community for Kids Breakfast will be held at at Veteran’s Memorial Civic and Convention Center. People who have gone above and beyond to improve the lives of children will be recognized with the Friend of Children Award.

• At noon Monday, April 13, our community will hold its annual Pinwheels for Prevention Program at Lima Memorial Health System. Participants will plant a pinwheel in the ground with each representing one of the 955 reports of alleged child abuse and neglect received last year. The number is up significantly from 2008 when there were 571 assessments completed.

How you can help

Simply attending a memorial or community event, however, is not enough. Here are some simple steps you can take throughout the year to help prevent abuse and neglect:

• As a parent, block out 15 minutes a day to play with your child. Studies show the more parents engage in positive activities with their children the better their sense of wellbeing and the happier they remain.

• Tell children in your life how much you care and appreciate them. All children deserve to have someone who recognizes them in a positive way and loves them unconditionally.

• Offer your time to babysit the child of a friend, neighbor or family member to give them time to rest or recharge for an hour or more.

• Encourage single mothers to support the involvement of the children’s fathers in their lives. When non-custodial dads work to be involved in the lives of their children, mothers need the positive support of the child’s other parent or caretaker to encourage the development of that relationship.

• Volunteer at a children’s or family service organization in your community. Some families just need a little help from time to time, and community organizations are designed to do just that. In Allen County there is a vibrant safety net with many partners that would welcome help.

While April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, you can make a difference all year through small acts that help protect children, strengthen families and ultimately prevent the abuse and neglect of children. It’s often said children are our future. That statement is very true. Please invest in the future.