Speaker offers marketing tips

First Posted: 4/1/2015

LIMA — “Mo” is the most important marketing tool for small and medium businesses — and, as Mike Blinder says, it’s not one of the Three Stooges.

Mo stands for “mobile,” a platform that “is everything,” said Mike Blinder, a digital marketing expert and owner of the Blinder Group.

He held up a cellphone, “this is your world,” he said to about 45 business people Wednesday.

Blinder spoke at an event titled “Multimedia Marketing Secrets for Small-Medium Businesses,” which was hosted by The Lima News. About 45 people attended the event, where Blinder covered several social media platforms and tips for marketing through them.

He aimed to “degeek the media,” Blinder said.

Business owners “are very confused,” he said. “Every business owner’s getting 50 emails an hour … everybody’s selling their product or service, you have to take a breath.”

After taking a breath, businesses must “fight for your piece of the pie,” Blinder said.

“Today in business I’m vicious,” he said.

He encouraged people to use Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest as marketing tools.

Blinder loves talking to business owners and said “everybody needs marketing.”

“The real secret to marketing is two words … reach and frequency,” Blinder said. You have to put “the right message in front of the right eyeball at the right time.”