Ambroza, Dukes lead qualifiers heading to third round

First Posted: 1/5/2015

The third round of the City Singles is always a great moment.

Sometime around Game 4 for the women and Game 6 for the men this Saturday, there will be a cavalry charge for one of the Sunday round-robin slots of the tournament will begin.

It’s always great drama for the bowling enthusiasts to move the length of 20th Century Lanes calculating who is in and who is out.

Heading into Round 3 of the City Singles tournament, Shelley Ambroza and Derek Dukes are the leaders.

But there’s even more attention being paid to the sixth slot for the women, currently being held by Amy Newland, and the eighth spot for the men, which is the present property of Scott Scalf.

Last Saturday evening belonged to Derek Dukes, who tallied 1897 over eight games to take the lead after Round 2 at 3252.

Dukes, who has had his share of perfect games, as well as the association scoring record, may never have been better than he was in Game 7, when he had the front 11 strikes before settling for a 298 game. He was loose throughout that effort, and that coupled with his immense talent, will make him very tough to beat.

As good as Dukes was, he was not able to run away and hide.

Jordy Schroeder rolled an equally impressive 1876 (3234) and first-round leader Jeff Shadbolt shows no signs of fading at 3116 for the first 14 games.

The battle seems to begin at fourth with Shane Bugner at 3063, followed by Brent Miller (3062), Eric Larimore (3060) Brian Sharp (3059) and Scalf at 3053.

While the top eight are close, there are another eight bowlers within roughly 100 pins.

This Saturday will be fun for the women, as well.

The top 16 will return for action to chase the No. 6 spot.

Something strange always happens in this tournament, but the top five women put on a great show on Sunday afternoon, and they should all be safe.

Ambroza rolled a 1233 on Sunday over six games for medalist honors. The defending champion and three-time winner of the tournament looked invincible, as did each of the current top five in the tourney. She’s at 2266.

Laudick (2244) shot 1222 to pass Kari Miller (2192), Bethany Pellman (2181) and Laura Burden. Laudick stands second going into Round 3.

Miller slipped to third with and 1125 score for the day, which was identical to the score of Pellman. Burden, who wowed the crowd with ball speed, would appear in a good spot with 2121 for her first five.

Former two time champion Newland is next at 2015, but the heat is on with 2012 runner-up Karen Jones, who is just three pins back.

Donna Childs (1992) and Amy Albert (1981) are very close, and as I said, somebody always seems to sneak through to the top in Round 3.

It almost feels like anything could happen for the women.

Kegel sweeper at Westgate

If you are a bowler looking for a chance to compete, you will not have to wait long.

Tra Hankins is running another of his kegel sweepers at 9:30 p.m. on Thursday. It may sound late to some, but isn’t it reminiscent of the days when the better bowlers rolled at 9 pm?

Give him a call at Westgate 419-227-2231 to enter.

Bowling notes

J.J. Miller Bowling promotions has a qualifier for the Proprietors Cup, slated for Jan. 17 at Astro Lanes. You can call Astro to register for that as well at 419-738-7306.

Finally the LBA Team event will be coming up in just a little under three weeks at Southgate Lanes.

There can be little question that all bowlers should roll at The Gate at sometime in their lives. This team tournament held the 23-25 this month would be the best opportunity to do so.

There should still be entry blanks at the lanes. I would register quick for this one.