Latta: Repealing pay raises for Congress

First Posted: 3/25/2015

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Bob Latta reintroduced legislation to repeal the automatic pay adjustment for members of Congress on Tuesday.

Currently, a formula for the automatic annual pay adjustment for members of Congress goes into effect automatically unless Congress statutorily denies it, according to a statement from Latta’s office.

Latta’s legislation, which he previously introduced in the 112th and 113th Congress, would permanently end these automatic pay increases.

“Hardworking Americans across the country continue to face tough financial decisions to make ends meet,” Latta said in a statement. “As Congress works to tackle this nation’s overwhelming debt and deficit that are burdening our future generations, Members of Congress should not receive a pay increase. Any attempts to increase Member pay should not be automatic but rather receive a recorded vote.”