Bring Dr. Gerad back

First Posted: 3/16/2015

Please bring Dr. Henry Gerad back. I am a faithful patient of his.

Cancer is not just a physical disease, but very mental. There have been many times, since I was told that I have non-Hodgkin lymphoma on Nov. 10, 2010, when other doctors would find more lumps and want to do more biopsies. (And did once which showed I had cancer. Duh! It’s in a sleep mode. This is a very slow form of cancer. Thank God.)

Please bring Dr. Henry Gerad back. I can’t go to another doctor and have faith in him. I will wait for Dr. Henry Gerad to practice somewhere else. I pray he will get hold of his patients and let us know how we can see him again.

I am praying that St. Rita’s Hospital will think hard about what they are putting his patients through, let alone Dr Henry Gerad. He cares about his patients.

Thanks for letting me speak my mind.