Allen East board, union meet in mediation

First Posted: 3/24/2015

HARROD — On Monday, the Allen East Education Association and the Allen East Local Board of Education met for a mediation session.

For now, the proceedings remain confidential because the session has not technically ended.

Allen East schools superintendent Mel Rentschler said the association has several decisions to make, which will not be announced or released to the school board until early next month.

If the session is not successful, the State Employment Relations Board would have to assign a new deadline for the board to turn in an affidavit.

The meeting was the latest in months of negotiation efforts between the association and the school board after the association filed charges in February accusing the board of unfair labor practices and refusal to bargain in good faith. The charges served as a response to the board’s motion to end negotiations and move forward with teacher salary contracts in December.