Patients’ support much appreciated

First Posted: 3/20/2015

To my former patients and colleagues, I want to express my thanks for the overwhelming support that I have received from the 10-county area following my unexpectedly abrupt termination of employment from St. Rita’s Professional Services Corporation. I am humbled and touched by your response.

I have long observed lines of people at funeral homes, coming to pay their last respects to dedicated and talented physicians with whom I have worked. I have always wondered that when I am laid to rest, if my patients had appreciated my dedication and service that went into delivering their medical care. Now, I am pleased to learn that I need not stay awake in my coffin to obtain this answer. When the time comes for eternal rest, I will do so with my eyes closed. Your gratitude will never be forgotten. Professionally, my time for rest has not yet arrived.

— Henry Gerad, M.D., Lima