Local company helps seniors

First Posted: 3/20/2015

LIMA — Georgiana Saffle started a local business to help make senior citizens realize that somebody cares.

“[I like] knowing that I make a difference,” said Saffle, president of Advocacy Professionals in Lima. “Knowing that I positively influence the lives of seniors that otherwise tend to feel like they’re just pushed to the sidelines.”

Advocacy Professionals opened in August 2014 and helps people 60 years and older remain as independent as possible in their current home setting, Saffle said, whether that be assisted living, their own home or elsewhere.

“We’re health care and personal advocates for elders,” she said. “We do a lot of transitioning through the healthcare maze.”

The company is available 24/7 for seniors. Advocacy Professionals is willing to drive clients to the airport, go to their doctors’ appointments with them, handle finances, run errands, do clinical research, do grocery shopping and more, Saffle said.

“If they’re unable to leave their home … [we can do] whatever they need just to help them maintain that level of independence out in the community,” Saffle said. “A lot of times people are placed in an institutional environment, not always because of medical conditions but because the family is unable to make sure that their daily living needs are met.”

Saffle, a Lima native, has more than 25 years of experience as a senior care executive and has also had experience with her own family.

“I’ve witnessed first hand the challenges that elders and their family members face,” Saffle said.

Saffle said “we don’t know what we don’t know,” and believes there is a gap in people knowing what questions they should be asking, how their health care benefits work and more.

“What we’re charging is minimal, and what we’re able to save them is costly,” Saffle said. “Probably 80 percent of the time our services pay for themselves.”

The business employs about three people in addition to Saffle and is located at 1518 N. Main St., Suite 5.