Where is Bob Cupp?

First Posted: 3/16/2015

The last time the 106,000 residents of Allen County heard from our newly selected state Rep. Bob Cupp was election night.

This is over the top, when a Facebook page is free and other social media is so available. Where will we find out, when and why, Bob Cupp voted for or against important economic issues, that affect all Allen County residents.

Will he support, union busting, right to work (for lower wages), laws?

Will he gut Head Start and promote failing charter schools?

Will he vote out medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act even though both hospital presidents endorse them? Will he allow the governor to promote his increases in sales tax, which hurts the middle class?

There is no excuse for Bob Cupp being a silent public servant. He works for us and he is responsible to communicate in the four local newspapers, six radio stations and two television stations within Allen County.