A bully on the block

First Posted: 3/16/2015

When we leave a bully do whatever he wants, he will gain momentum and power. This is what we have done with ISIS. “Nothing.”

Now ISIS is threatening to kick in our doors. What would the world be like if Obama had been president during World War I and II? The United States would not exist today.

We cannot let Obama in office two more years. The ordeal with Iran should have been taken care of long ago. These small terrorists are Iran’s derivation’s to give Iran time to build their nuclear arsenal. The United States should demand the right to inspect their nuclear project is the only way to clarify they are telling the truth. But keep in mind, Iran has plenty of finances to do about anything. This nuclear plant could be their tinker toy factory cover-up for the real beast they are building.

The question is: Does the United States want to be the annihilator or the annihilated? This is the grim realty, one or the other will happen. I wish there was another way out. Our government has put a bull’s eye on our back again. Iran wants to die. They want to be a martyr. We cannot buy our way out of this, Iran has nothing to lose. Except the United States. This is what happens when you let the bad apple in the barrel too long. “Obama” should have been impeached long ago. Obama has lead the United States down the road to “ruin.”

— James Matson, Wapakoneta