Time to be a real American

First Posted: 3/9/2015

So! You claim that you are an American. There are many kinds of Americans: Russian-Americans, German-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Native-Americans and the list goes on.

There are two other categories that overlap all of the above. That would be the “Voting-Americans” and the “non-Voting-Americans”.

Both of these groups hold very strong beliefs about America. What is right and what is wrong with America and what should be done about it.

However, one group cares a great deal more about America. Of course, that would be the “Voting-Americans”.

Voting starts at 6:30 a.m. and stops at 7:30 p.m. And, we get to do it again on May 5, 2015. Will you be there? Will you VOTE this time?

In November you will have another chance to make a change. To go from the “non-Voting-Americans” group to the “Voting-Americans” group. Come to that vote too!

If you want to claim to be an American — then act like one! What good is having a voice if you don’t speak? Thank you to those Americans that always show up!