100 years of ‘service above self ‘

First Posted: 3/3/2015

LIMA — Rotary is a global network of community volunteers made up of business, professional, and community leaders. Members meet regularly to plan and implement community service projects and to network with other professionals. Some choose to become involved in international humanitarian service efforts. The Lima Rotary club has 180 members and is one of over 33,000 clubs in the world. The total membership of Rotary is over 1.2 million men and women in over 200 countries in the world.

Rotary’s motto is “service above self.” A Rotarian’s ethical standard and decision-making process are based on the Four Way Test:

Of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The Four Way Test was developed by Herbert J. Taylor, president of the Rotary Club of Chicago, 1939-40 and Rotary International 1954-55. During a business crisis in 1932, he wrote the Four Way Test. It was adopted as part of Rotary International in January of 1943. It continues to be as relevant today as it was in 1932. This year, Lima City Schools has adopted it as a part of the character development for students and faculty.

The Lima Rotary has developed many local projects that are visible throughout the community. Perhaps the largest project was the Rotary River Walk that was donated to the people of Lima in celebration of Lima Rotary’s 75th Anniversary. Another highly visible project is the Rotary Arts Pavilion in Faurot Park where free concerts are performed during the summer months. In Kendrick Woods, Rotary donated the “All Peoples Trail” which is an accessible boardwalk in the woods. Playground equipment was purchased and installed in the Metropolitan Park District. Most recently, a Rotary Liberty River Walk Pavilion was built at the site of the old Lima City High School.

Other projects include many years of support of the Salvation Army Kettle Drive, the semi-annual Blood Clinic, the formation of High Octane Drum Line, and most recently the formation of an Interact Club (a Rotary Club for high school students) at Bath High School. During the last 14 years, the Lima Rotary Club as given more than $530,000 in scholarships to non-traditional local students. Starting in 1917, the Lima Rotary Club has supported children who have disabilities. A Christmas Party is held for the children every year.

Just since 2002, the Lima Rotary Foundation has donated $1.8 million to local non-profit organizations. Each quarter, the Foundation reviews applications and awards on average six grants per quarter. The Foundation was formed in 1965-66, to manage stocks and securities valued at $40,000 from the estate of Peter and Libby Hulsken to assure the continuance of service to children in the community who have disabilities. Peter Hulsken had served as Santa Clause for many years at the Christmas Party for children with disabilities.

At the international level, there is now furniture and computers in a school in India. Schools in Belize, El Salvador and San Salvador have restrooms, computers, a secured playground and desks for their students. There is clean water in villages in El Salvador, and there are eco-stoves and purified water in Honduras. And perhaps most importantly we are extremely close to eradicating Polio from the world due to the work of local Rotarians and Rotarians around the world.

In early 2014, the Lima Rotary Foundation Board and the Lima Rotary Board held a joint meeting. As we discussed our upcoming Centennial Celebration, Peggy Ehora suggested that in celebration, the Rotary Club of Lima should donate $100,000 to the community. That concept was embraced by the club as a whole. A committee was formed to develop a process. Applications were solicited from area non-profit organizations. On March 21, during the Centennial Gala, the recipient(s) of this investment in our community will be revealed. We are very excited to be able to again make a significant difference within our community.