Lima News, get on the pot

First Posted: 3/7/2015

I want to know why, if The Lima News is a reporting agency, it hasn’t published any news about the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana in Ohio and across the country.

Why hasn’t The Lima News published articles about how theU.S. government has committed frauds aginst the American people over this plant being governmentowne since the 1940 patent number 6630507.

The sad thing is if the government lies to the people it is called “politics.” On the other hand, if the people lie to the government it is called a “felony.”

The Lima News has decided to work for one percent of the people while misleading the other 99 percent about what is happening across the country.

I encourage your readers to get the truth by viewing my page on Facebook, “Ohioans for the legalization of Marijuana.”

When will The Lima News represent the people by reporting on police brutality, how GMO crops are killing us and how doctors and hospitals push chemicals on us for profit?

America is being brain washed. When will The Lima News represent the people?

— John Robinson, Lima