Time to think spring

First Posted: 2/27/2015

Are you ready for spring?

March has finally arrived and brings with it the promise of warmer and longer days. Most of us are ready to burst out from our winter hibernation and get moving outside. As soon as the thermometer rises above 50 degrees, folks will be dusting off their bikes, Rollerblades, scooters and walking shoes. It couldn’t be a better time to come down with spring fever.

Throughout Lima and Allen County there is an ever-growing list of opportunities for healthy living and transportation. We have seen infrastructure improvements, such as additional bike paths, bike lanes and hiking paths, that add to the wonderful amenities already available right here in Allen County.

Spring is the perfect time to discover, or rediscover, what is available right here is in our county. Bluffton boasts Allen County’s newest path, “Lions Way” Bike and Pedestrian Pathway which connects downtown Bluffton to the Hancock County side of Bluffton. The Rotary Riverwalk/Ottawa River Bikeway is an Allen County attraction that should not be missed. Whether starting at Heritage Park, the Lima Family YMCA or Ottawa Metro Park, it is a great way to enjoy a ride, walk or jog in Allen County.

Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Parks offers parks and options for all types of healthy activity seekers. Spring is a great time to play Frisbee golf at Ottawa Metro Park, take a hike at Deep Cut Park along the Miami-Erie Canal, walk through Kendrick Woods, bird watch at the Lippincott Bird Sanctuary or take your horses to the bridle trail at the Allen County Farm Park.

The city, town and village parks also have much to offer throughout Allen County. And to help bring it all together, RTA is doing their part by providing bike racks on each of their buses. That means someone can ride their bike to a bus stop, and after their stop, can get back on their bike to continue their journey.

Whatever activity you are seeking, we have it in the region. Now that winter is coming to an end, it is time to get active in Allen County.