Keeping the flu from others

First Posted: 1/2/2015

LIMA — With the increased number of flu-related hospitalizations, the Allen County Board of Health is encouraging those who are sick to stay home.

Allen County has already surpassed the total number hospitalized during the entire last flu season, according to a press release from Allen County Public Heath.

With the holiday season coming to an end, many individuals will be going back to school and work, and health officials would like to remind everyone to do what they can to reduce the spread of illness.

Allen County Health Commissioner Kathy Luhn said one way to keep others from getting sick is to stay home until the ill person is fever-free for at least 24 hours.

People are encouraged to wash their hands frequently, cough and sneeze into their sleeves, and avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes.

Getting enough sleep, eating a nutritious diet and exercising also boost the immune system and aid in keeping us healthy, Luhn said in the press release.