‘The Vagina Monologues’ staged at Bluffton

First Posted: 2/4/2015

BLUFFTON — A famous play designed to empower women will be staged at Ramseyer Auditorium at Bluffton University.

“The Vagina Monologues,” a student-led production of the play by Eve Ensler, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12 and 14.

“The Vagina Monologues” is made up of a varying number of monologues from women interviewed by Ensler. Each of the monologues deals with an aspect of the feminine experience, touching on matters such as sex, love, rape, menstruation, female genital mutilation, masturbation, birth, orgasm, the various common names for the vagina, or simply as a physical aspect of the body. A recurring theme throughout the piece is the vagina as a tool of female empowerment, and the ultimate embodiment of individuality.

Tickets are $10 with proceeds benefiting Open Arms Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services in Findlay. For tickets, contact [email protected] or 419-358-3239.

Rebecca Juliana, who is directing the play as well as playing a part, said she hopes that the play will move people.

“I hope it leaves them with a better understanding,” Juliana said. “It will move some people out of their comfort zone, but I hope they are still able to see the value in that.”

Juliana said the monologues were gathered out of 200 interviews conducted by Ensler. She said the forward name of the performance is not an accident.

“We are trying to reclaim the word so it isn’t a dirty word,” Juliana said.