Bowling for a cause

First Posted: 1/27/2015

OTTAWA — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Putnam County will offer free bowling over the weekend. All you have to do is raise money for a worthy cause.

The group is offering two dates for its annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake with a “Party Bowl” Saturday at Ottawa Highland Lanes with DJ Joe Burgei, followed by a “Glow in the Dark Bowl” Feb. 7 at Pandora Sports Center Lanes.

This year, Big Brothers Big Sisters has created incentives for bowlers to collect donations. In past years, bowlers were asked to raise a specific monetary amount. Now, bowlers who raise more will receive more.

“Any amount donation gets you free bowling,” said Casey Simon, West Central Ohio development director for the group.

A team of four that raises $120, for example, will bowl for free, receive a T-shirt, and be eligible to win door prizes. A team that raises $240 will receive that plus a large pizza and pitcher of drinks. Teams collecting at least $300 will also be entered in a raffle for various items.

Shifts at Ottawa will begin at noon, 1:15 and 2:30 p.m. Pandora bowlers begin at 1 and 2:15 p.m.

Information and registration forms are available on the Big Brothers Big Sisters website at or Facebook page, or by contacting Casey Simon at 419-523-4016 or [email protected].

Funds raised will allow Big Brothers Big Sisters to expand its programs in Putnam County.