Speaker encourages keeping eye on business trends

First Posted: 1/26/2015

LIMA — At first, David Runk found it difficult to change with the technological times.

But, after seeing the difference in quality — or lack there of — he realized it was good to move forward.

Runk, president of CSS Publishing Co., which publishes Christian preaching and worshipping resources, spoke to the Rotary Club of Lima on Monday about his company and new business in the digital age.

Years ago, Runk was reluctant to help take the company into digital printing and electronic resources.

In the 1990s, the company started using digital printing, which was a bit controversial then and believed to not be as high of quality, he said.

“My father had become somewhat of a leader in the publishing field without even knowing it,” Runk said. “It was somewhat revolutionary.”

The company used to advertise through direct mail, now, it sends several emails a week to customers. The product has also changed, now, it is almost completely provided through electronic subscriptions.

The Internet has “made it much easier to distribute our content.” The company has more than 1,000 products on its website, which has replaced print catalogues.

“We’ve had to dramatically change the way we not only advertise but deliver our product to customers,” he said.

During his Rotary presentation, Runk detailed the long history of the company and the many “dramatic changes” during the course of its 45 years.

Runk’s father started the company in 1970 and Runk took over as president in 2008.

He said the biggest thing he’s learned is that “it’s always important to keep your eye on trends in the business world and what people are looking for.”

Runk and his brother, who works with him, are constantly trying to find out what type of products pastors are really in need of, he said.

“In general they like the fact that they can access content” online, he said.

His advice to companies for keeping up with changing times and changing technology is to hire someone to help them with the new techniques and skills.